Non-invasive way

Microcurrent Therapy

It is a type of therapy that uses low-level electrical currents to treat various health
conditions. Here are some of the potential benefits of microcurrent therapy for the human


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Microcurrent therapy can be beneficial for promoting circulation and reducing inflammation, which can directly help to lower cholesterol levels, it dissolves/burns the fat on the Walls of the cells helping medicine to penetrate the cell more effectively,
Pain relief:  Microcurrent therapy can help reduce pain by promoting the release of endorphins, which are natural painkillers. It can also help reduce inflammation and swelling.
Improved circulation: Microcurrent therapy can help improve blood and lymphatic circulation, which can help reduce swelling, improve tissue healing, and provide better nutrient delivery to cells.
Tissue healing: Microcurrent therapy can help stimulate the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the energy source for cells. This can help accelerate tissue healing and repair.
Relaxation and stress reduction: Microcurrent therapy can help promote relaxation by stimulating the release of serotonin and other neurotransmitters that promote calmness and relaxation.
Improved muscle tone and strength: Microcurrent therapy can help improve muscle tone and strength by stimulating muscle fibbers and promoting muscle contractions

Non-invasive way
Control Covid

Hemant Rohera

About Inventor.