eMedica line of treatment for PCOS/PCOD

What is PCOD/PCOS:
Polycystic ovarian disease or syndrome (PCOS/PCOD) is a hormonal disorder that affects women in their reproductive age. The reproductive system of women is controlled by the complex interplay of primarily five reproductive hormones namely estrogen, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, progesterone and luteinizing hormone. An imbalance within these hormones leads to a hormonal disorder called the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) among women of reproductive age.

Some of the Common Symptoms Are:-
1. Excess facial and body hair (due to excess androgen secretion).
2. Irregular periods or delayed menstrual cycle (due to the abnormality in maturation of the egg).
3. Hair Loss or excessive hair thinning.
4. Weight Gain (Eating Disorder)
5. Infertility
6. Mood Swings (Depression or Anxiety)
7. Acne
8. Metabolic Syndrome.

Pituitary gland is responsible for the regulation of the reproductive system, some of its cells secrets hormones that can have an impact on the development of PCOD. For example, the Gonadotropins Follicle- Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) are secreted by Gonadotroph cells in the anterior pituitary, and are involved in the regulation of ovarian function. In women the PCOD, there is often an imbalance in the levels of FSH & LH, which can can contribute to the development of Cysts on the ovaries and other symptoms.
(The main reproductive organs are the ovaries, which produce and release eggs for fertilization. The ovaries contain many different types of cells, including Follicular Cells that surround the developing Egg, Granulosa Cells that produce Estrogen, and Theca Cells that produce Androgens such as Testosterone. The lining of the uterus, or endometrium, is also composed of specialized cells that prepare for and support pregnancy).

  • Insulin Resistance:- When cells become resistant to the action of insulin, then blood sugar levels can go up. This can cause your body to make more insulin to try to bring down the blood sugar level. Too much insulin might cause your body to make too much of the male hormone androgen. You could have trouble with ovulation, the process where eggs are released from the ovary.
  • Low-Grade Inflammation:- White blood cells make substances in response to infection or injury. This response is called low-grade inflammation. Research shows that people with PCOS have a type of long- term, low-grade inflammation that leads polycystic ovaries to produce androgens. This can lead to heart and blood vessel problems.
  •  Excess Androgen:- With PCOS, the ovaries may produce high levels of androgen. Having too much androgen interferes with ovulation. This means that eggs don't develop on a regular basis and aren't released from the follicles where they develop. Excess androgen also can result in Hirsutism and Acne.
  • Heredity:- Research suggests that certain genes might be linked to PCOS. Having a family history of PCOS may play a role in developing the condition.

eMedica while treating the PCOD condition, it uses the specific Frequency-Voltage-Current to correct the parameters of these cells, which are responsible for the PCOD condition. eMedica targets the Somatotrophs Cells; Thyrotrophs Cells; Gonadotrophs Cells; Corticotrophs Cells; Follicular Cells; Granulosa Cells; Theca Cells to correct its cell parameter by enhancing the cell charge with
the required Voltage & Frequency carried out by the 20aM micro-current. As the cell parameters gets corrected, the organ function (Pituitary Gland; Fallopian Tube; Uterus; Cervix; Prostate Gland & Seminal Vesicles) gets improved and gradually the organs are healed. Thus it starts functioning & operating at its optimal state. While treating the condition, eMedica reduces the blood viscosity and enhances the Blood Circulation. eMedica Therapy balances the hormone secretion required for the entire reproductive system and heals the reproductive organs simultaneously.