eMedica Electron-Driven Cell Therapy: Harnessing Precise Frequencies and Microcurrents for Fat Dissolution and Cholesterol Reduction


eMedica's electron-driven cell therapy utilizes precise frequencies and microcurrents to improve cellular function and address metabolic factors associated with lipid metabolism and cholesterol deposition. This article explores the scientific basis behind eMedica's approach, focusing on its ability to enhance metabolism, promote fat dissolution, reduce cholesterol deposition, and restore electrolyte balance for improved lipid digestion. The potential benefits of eMedica's therapy in reducing cholesterol in arteries and the cellular membrane are discussed.


Excessive fat deposition and elevated cholesterol levels contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases. eMedica's electron-driven cell therapy aims to promote fat dissolution and reduce cholesterol deposition by leveraging precise frequencies and microcurrents. This therapeutic approach activates enzymes, enhances metabolism, restores electrolyte balance, and facilitates the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. In this article, we delve into the scientific principles underlying eMedica's fat dissolution process and its impact on reducing cholesterol in arteries and cell membranes.

Works on three dimensions of healing Voltages, Frequencies & Current Ethical Papers & Clinical Reports Attached to the link https://lnkd.in/dCVrUhUy

eMedica's Approach to Fat Dissolution:

eMedica employs a low voltage current and frequency to increase body temperature within an optimal range. This elevated temperature activates enzymes responsible for a faster metabolism, enabling the burning of stored fat in the body. By charging the adipose cells, which have become dormant due to excessive fat deposition, eMedica stimulates their metabolic activity. Excited cells metabolize lipoproteins using energy generated from the charged electrons, facilitating fat dissolution and utilization.

Cholesterol Reduction Mechanisms:

The flow of electrons via the blood vessels interacts with free radicals present in LDL cholesterol, effectively inhibiting excessive oxidation and reducing plaque formation in arteries. eMedica's therapy utilizes low voltage current and precise frequencies to facilitate this electron binding process, promoting cholesterol clearance from arterial walls. By reducing cholesterol deposition, eMedica contributes to improved cardiovascular health and reduced risk of atherosclerotic plaque formation.

Electrolyte Balance and Lipid Digestion:

Research has shown a direct link between electrolyte imbalance and metabolic disorders such as dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus. Electrolytes, charged ions in the body, maintain osmotic balance and support a higher metabolic rate. eMedica's therapy aids in maintaining electrolyte balance by sharing negative ions, thereby promoting efficient lipid digestion over the long term. This restoration of electrolyte balance supports optimal lipid metabolism and contributes to overall metabolic health.


eMedica's electron-driven cell therapy harnesses precise frequencies and microcurrents to promote fat dissolution, reduce cholesterol deposition, and restore electrolyte balance. By enhancing metabolism, activating enzymes, and facilitating the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, eMedica's therapy offers a potential solution for reducing cholesterol in arteries and cellular membranes.